Loose ends, here and there

Friday, August 5, 2011

*Nothing like waiting until nearly the last minute, but we finally met in person today with the two people covering for me while I’m out at work, and we got a tentative schedule worked out between them. I’m glad that has been worked out, yet at the same time, I really don’t care anymore. They’ll figure it out.

*My mom informed me last night that neither she nor my dad will be coming to see us in the hospital when I have the baby. (They live in town. Her only issue, as far as I’m aware, is that she doesn’t know how she’s going to feel.) I could make a whole vent post about this, but I will just leave it at the fact that I’m not surprised, yet I’m severely disappointed in them for this.

*I’m at the point now where I continue to assume that I’ll be returning to work the next day — yet at the same time I make sure loose ends are tied up before I leave at the end of the day, just in case that turns out to be my last day.

*I feel like no matter how much sleep I get, I’m always sleepy during the day. Of course, this will not be getting better anytime soon, but just a note I thought I’d add here.

*I am sleepy now, so I’m headed to bed!