Therapy FAIL

The Big Sis and I headed to her therapy follow-up appointment yesterday morning (The Husband stayed home with a slightly feverish Little Sis, but we came out of it without much at all. The Husband and I and her two teachers had filled out assessments, which I turned in last week. I’d asked for her teachers’ assessments the week before so I could turn them in earlier, but one teacher waited until the very last minute to give me hers, so I turned them in at the last minute. I’d been told there would still be time to score them, but apparently that wasn’t true.

So, the meeting to talk about the results of the assessments was kind of pointless without the assessment scoring completed. The Therapist felt bad (he’s not the one who does the scoring and had told me we could turn them in that day and still be okay for the appointment), but we came up with this plan. He did not charge us for the brief visit today (obviously). He will call me with the results when they are complete and we can talk about them on the phone (and hopefully will be able to send me a copy to look at). We will discuss at that time if we need to continue visits in the short term, but he suspects that will not be necessary since we seem to have a handle on things at the moment. He gave me two new teacher assessments, which we’ll have The Big Sis’ new kindergarten teachers fill out once the school year has begun, then we’ll call to make an appointment with The Therapist in mid- to late September to go over those results. In the meantime we’ll call him sooner if we feel like we have any issues that arise.

I feel pretty good with this plan. We’ve got things under control for now, and the plan goes along with our general parenting philosophy of being more proactive than reactive, so we’re well armed should there be any issues that come up in the course of the transition to kindergarten.

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