On the mend (part 3?)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I think we might finally be moving past all these illnesses. Again. We did keep Baby B home again today because she looks so bad, and we’ll play it by ear for Friday.


I had a dream a couple nights ago that we’d been gone from daycare for so long that they’d painted all the walls in the rooms a new color! By the time she returns on Monday (hopefully!!), it will be two weeks since Baby B was at daycare.

Quite a pricey illness considering we still have to pay for daycare even when she’s not there.


Baby B’s teacher called this morning to check on her, and she let a bunch of the kids take turns talking to Baby B on the phone because she said they miss her a lot. It was so sweet to hear them talking about each other and hear Baby B say, “I miss you!”


This morning I was drying my hair and Baby B came in to get a cotton ball. She got it wet in the faucet and started to leave the bathroom. I asked what she was doing, and she said, “I’m going to try to take the polka dots off my arm.”

If only it were that easy!