The Little Sis – fall parent-teacher conference

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Little Sis had her fall parent-teacher conference this week, and the report was good. They performed the Brigance Screen III on her, which is an assessment she’ll take again once she registers for kindergarten. Out of a possible score of 100, she ended up with 83.5, which is great for where she’s at in preschool. Things that took off points for her: She couldn’t tell them her birthday, phone number, or street address. She couldn’t write her last name (hey, we finally just got her to NOT mirror-write her first name!) or draw a square, rectangle, or diamond (her attempts were close, but not quite). She was able to order a group of items by color but not by size, and then she wasn’t able to walk backward toe-to-heel for four steps (who knew we should be practicing that?!).


Thursday, October 1, 2015

After having surgery to add a plate and four screws to my ankle on Aug. 18, I had my six-week follow-up yesterday. The doctor said it’s not completely healed yet, but he thinks there’s enough healing that I can start bearing weight on it again (in the boot still), which is a definitely step in the right direction. So far that’s been a little more challenging than I anticipated, as my incision burns and hurts from rubbing on the boot as I take steps, but hopefully that’ll become desensitized soon enough.

I also was cleared to return to physical therapy, so I’ve got an appointment tomorrow with my PT for another baseline assessment and we’ll get started with exercises to help me gain back my range of motion, strength, flexibility, and balance. At this point it feels a little daunting, but I know it’ll get better as I work on it each day and with each PT session.

I return on Nov. 11 for my next follow-up with x-ray to see how the healing is going. I’m not going to get my hopes up given how long this has dragged out, but maybe there’s the chance I’ll have to hunt down all of my left shoes sometime in mid-November…