Would you like fries with that?

At bedtime recently, The Little Sis touched her chest and declared proudly, “I have milk in my breasts!” I’ve explained to her before that she used to drink milk from my body when she was a baby, but she got the concept a little confused. I told her that she doesn’t have milk in there now, but one day when she had babies of her own, her body would make milk and her babies would drink that.

Incredulous, she squeaked, “Will they drink only milk?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Will they have sausage with it too?” she asked.

I tried to hold in my laugh — I did — but I failed. I told her that no, babies just drink milk.

“Just MILK?” she squeaked again.

“Yes, darling,” I said with a smile. “Just milk. No sausage.”

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