Pig ears

I’m feeling a bit better today, though I’m still not close to 100%. Just better compared to the last few days. But I’ll take it. I’ve still got a lot of nasal and chest congestion, coughing, and now I’ve lost my voice since I’ve been coughing so much, but I’ve been upright most of the day, so that’s some improvement.Yesterday was the low point for me, and it was a pretty low one.

And let’s just say that Baby B had a real lunch and dinner today. Go me!

Baby B and I decided to spread our swine flu germs with others and kept our appointment with the ENT (way to go, Mom of the Year!) this morning. The doctor agreed that both with her history of ear infections and with three new ones within the last 3 1/2 months, Baby B is a candidate for repeat tubes. I have no hesitations regarding this decision, and her surgery will be on Monday, December 7. He said she still has a good chance of outgrowing the issue as she gets older; in fact, she has a 90% chance of outgrowing it in the next year alone. He said they can do permanent tubes, but that’s something that’s not something he does in kids this young. He said if she’s a teenager and still has these issues that it’s an option we can explore then. She had a hearing test while we were there, and it didn’t go well. One ear was borderline and one was below that, though both the audiologist and the doctor said it was likely due to the fluid currently in her ear. We’ve never had any concerns about hearing with her, so I suspect they’re right.

I’m just hoping that this illness is on its way out of our house. One good thing? No decisions needed about whether to get the H1N1 vaccine now.  (Though our decision had been to get it; it’s not available for Baby B’s age group at her pediatrician’s office yet, and the first flu clinic we could attend was on November 14. Looks like we’ll be free that morning now.)

3 Responses to Pig ears

  1. Alex says:

    Our neighbours resuts came back as H1N1 and we were playing with her before and just after she came down with it. But aside from the mild colds we’re fine…so I am assuming we didn’t just get a really mild version of the Oink. So its still a threat…*sigh* but I just don’t feel comfortable vaccinating for this 😦

    I was saying to my friend that same thing you said…at least she’s had it not and and got through the other side safe and sound and no need to worry for the rest of the pandemic!! Glad it sounds like you guys are making it to the other side safely too!!

  2. Tales of Brennan and Lilly says:

    Glad you guys are feeling a bit better. Sorry to hear that the ear infections are still an issue, though. I’m sure the repeat tubes will help a ton.

  3. I actually am a tad jealous of the fact that you no longer need the vaccine. You know that you are covered. I hope you guys feel better soon!

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